Women's Discipleship Ministry at Liberti Church
At Liberti we recognise the different needs of men and women in discipleship, and so we have gender-specific Discipleship Groups as part of our Gospel Communities, meeting fortnightly in roughly numbers of two or three women to go deeper in discipleship together as ladies.
In Discipleship Groups we aim to share life together in a safe and trusted environment that allows for growth in faith, vulnerability and accountability, encouragement, prayer, and spurring one another on to live out God's calling on our lives to proclaim Jesus Christ to our Lark Lane neighbourhood, our great city of Liverpool, and beyond.
To get involved in a Women's Discipleship Group, go below and get in touch with a Gospel Community group:
Women's Monthly Bible Study Group
In addition to our gender-specific Discipleship Groups within our gospel Communities, our Liberti women from across the entire Church meet monthly for a Women’s Bible Study. Together as sisters in Christ they study a theological topic and discuss how to apply it practically to living out life as a woman of God.
If you are a lady and want to delve deeper into learning the Bible & loving the Lord Jesus together with other women, our Women’s Bible Study group gathers together monthly every first Sunday evening of each month, and you are warmly invited!
For more information about how to visit and get involved in the Women's Bible Study group, please contact us through the form below or speak to a Gospel Community leader.

"All those who knew Jesus, including the women who had followed Him from Galilee, stood watching these things."
~ Luke 23:49